ESS och MAX IV, Teknikworkshop 28 september – utmaningar för forskningsanläggningarna


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Big Science: Teknikutmaningar och affärsmöjligheter

Seminarium – Industrimässa – Rundabordssamtal runt teknikutmaningar:
Välkommen till en dag fylld av möjligheter till kunskapsutbyte och kontakter!

TID: 28 september, kl 08.30 – 17.00
PLATS: AF-borgen, Sandgatan 2 i Lund (Sverige)

Arrangemanget är kostnadsfritt

De område vi berör är i ett leverantörsperspektiv:

  1. Precision Engineering and production Discussion about the production of medium to large quantities of scientific and technical components for ESS, MAX IV and other research facilities. Customized design, not off-the-shelf products.
  2. Precision Movement and Alignment Actuators and systems for moving, aligning and measuring position of samples and equipment.
  3. 3. Sample environment Systems and equipment for providing thermal, vacuum, magnetic and other physical environment for neutron science samples.
  4. Rapid support Provision of off-site capabilities for machining, welding and construction of small numbers of items with short delivery time.
  5. Control and electronics Provision of control system and electronics for Max IV and ESS.
  6. 3D printing Potential future applications for 3D printing in support of Max IV and ESS.
  7. Technical Consumables and procurement procedures Provision of Chemicals, Air products, Mechanical components and other off-the-shelf items. Involving procurement officers at ESS and Max IV.

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