Nu kommer de hit! Träffa representanter från forskningsanläggningar i Europa – Lyssna på deras behov – Berätta om vad ni kan leverera – Ställ ut på vår industrimässa!
Big Science: Teknikutmaningar och affärsmöjligheter
Seminarium – Industrimässa – Rundabordssamtal runt teknikutmaningar:
Välkommen till en dag fylld av möjligheter till kunskapsutbyte och kontakter!
TID: 28 september, kl 08.30 – 17.00
PLATS: AF-borgen, Sandgatan 2 i Lund (Sverige)
Arrangemanget är kostnadsfritt
De område vi berör är i ett leverantörsperspektiv:
- Precision Engineering and production Discussion about the production of medium to large quantities of scientific and technical components for ESS, MAX IV and other research facilities. Customized design, not off-the-shelf products.
- Precision Movement and Alignment Actuators and systems for moving, aligning and measuring position of samples and equipment.
- 3. Sample environment Systems and equipment for providing thermal, vacuum, magnetic and other physical environment for neutron science samples.
- Rapid support Provision of off-site capabilities for machining, welding and construction of small numbers of items with short delivery time.
- Control and electronics Provision of control system and electronics for Max IV and ESS.
- 3D printing Potential future applications for 3D printing in support of Max IV and ESS.
- Technical Consumables and procurement procedures Provision of Chemicals, Air products, Mechanical components and other off-the-shelf items. Involving procurement officers at ESS and Max IV.
Läs hela programmet här (pdf).